But it's a long way down!! Yes, those tiny specks dangling in space really are Claire Blacklaws and Kate Graham, supporters of the Matthew 25 Mission! On Thursday (16th August), to raise funds for the Mission, they abseiled from the Arcelor Mittal Orbit Tower at Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park in London. At a terrifying 262ft, it's the highest freefall abseil in the UK.

This was part two of Claire's sponsored jumping and falling escapade! On 14th July, as part of Eastbourne's Beach Life Festival, she bunjee jumped from a 175ft crane in Princes Park. Is there no height she won't go to, or depth she won't plunge to, to raise much needed funds for The Matthew 25 Mission!?
Please do sponsor Claire & Kate using the donate tab on The Matthew 25 Mission's Facebook page or on their website: matthew25mission.org.
(The Matthew 25 Mission is an Eastbourne-based charity offering a daily drop-in and support service for many of the most vulnerable people in the town.)